Charlie Gordon

Mar 22, 20232 min

How Exercise Physiology can help NDIS participants reach their NDIS Plan goals

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia aims to provide support for people with disabilities to achieve their goals and live an inclusive life. Exercise physiologists can play a crucial role in helping NDIS participants reach their goals by creating customized exercise programs and providing guidance on physical activity. Some common NDIS plan goals that exercise physiology can help with include:

  1. Improved physical health and wellbeing: Exercise physiologists can design tailored exercise programs to address specific health issues, such as obesity, cardiovascular health, or chronic pain management.

  2. Increased mobility and function: Customized exercise programs can help individuals with disabilities improve their mobility, flexibility, and overall functional capacity, enabling them to participate more fully in daily activities.

  3. Enhanced mental health: Regular physical activity has been shown to improve mental health and wellbeing. Exercise physiologists can develop programs that help manage stress, anxiety, and depression.

  4. Better social participation: By improving physical and mental health, exercise physiology can enable NDIS participants to engage more confidently in social activities, enhancing their quality of life.

  5. Greater independence: Exercise programs can help individuals develop the strength, balance, and coordination needed to perform daily tasks more independently.

  6. Improved management of chronic conditions: Exercise physiologists can work with individuals to develop programs that address the unique challenges of living with chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, or multiple sclerosis.

  7. Enhanced recovery and rehabilitation: Exercise physiology can support recovery and rehabilitation from injuries or surgeries, helping individuals regain function and return to their pre-injury activities.

  8. Prevention of secondary health conditions: By promoting a healthy lifestyle and addressing specific risk factors, exercise physiology can help prevent the development of secondary health conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

  9. Building strength and endurance: Exercise physiologists can design programs that focus on building muscle strength and endurance, enabling individuals to engage in a wider range of activities and improving overall quality of life.

  10. Improved balance and coordination: Customized exercise programs can help individuals develop better balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and enhancing their ability to perform daily tasks.

By working closely with NDIS participants, exercise physiologists can create individualized programs that align with each person's unique goals, abilities, and needs, providing a valuable support system for achieving a better quality of life.
